Pulls like a bitch!

Featuring Skid and Crash!

Crash (Myself) and SkidMarkRacing (AKA Mark) on the highway- In our turbocharged F-150s.

Video setting:

On the highway, coming home from the track. You can see Crash pass Project REDRUM (D-1SC equipped SCREW), and pull alongside Skid's Turbo SCREW. These runs are from an approximate 50 MPH roll. We are NOT racing, as this is a demonstration of the sound. You can also see how fast they can pull away from traffic as each of them keeps a steady state cruise as the other mashed the LOUD PEDAL!

Videos from the track are coming soon!

LOW BANDWIDTH? Look here... http://www.nitrousdepot.net/video/pullslikeabitch.wmv

Move your cursor over the image to start the video!